Dil Mein Khamoshiyan, by Sayani, Pradip & Pinaki | Euphonic Episode
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Song details
Dil Mein Khamoshiyan is a song by Sayani Palit, where it depicts a girl who has completely lost her trust in relationship. This song is from the album KHWAHISHAIN released in the year 2014 and got a lot of recognations.
At a glance
- Track Name
- Dil Mein Khamoshiyan,
- Album
- Year
- 2014
- Vocal
- Sayani Palit,
- Composer
- Sayani Palit,
- Song Writer
- Suchismita Patra,
- Arrangers
- Pradip Chandra Sikdar & Pinaki Majumder,
- Mixing & Mastering
- Pradip Chandra Sikdar.
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Dil Mein Khamoshiyan, by Sayani, Pradip & Pinaki | Euphonic Episode — No Comments
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